Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Typical Week in the Life of a Wannabe Supermom

I was on a pastor's wives message board earlier and several of us who are in college have been posting about how crazy and hectic life if right now. I wanted to share a little about my typical week...


Up at 7:00 a.m. today to study, get ready and head for the grocery store. As soon as I get back, I unload and put everything up, get lunch ready, eat, and head to work for a 2:00 p.m. manager's meeting. After the meeting, it's off to my anatomy and physiology class. After class, I head back to work, finally heading home at 8:00 p.m. to watch 24 with my husband. (It's last season - what I do without it? Time to buy all 8 seasons on DVD…) Then I look over my class notes and head to bed.


Up at 6:00 a.m. again to get ready for the day. I throw some laundry in and get lunch together and put it in the fridge for the guys before I head out the door for work. Tuesday is my paperwork day at work, so I spend most of the morning at the desk taking care of my managerial stuff before I head out the door at 1:00 p.m. to go to sociology class. After class it's back to work for 3 hours, where I squeeze in a workout, then head home to cook dinner and stay up late studying (since I can sleep in tomorrow).


I sleep in today, getting up at 7:00 a.m. I try to get some stuff done at the house, including laundry, before we head to the church around 9:30 or 10:00 a.m. We spend the day working at the church - I help Robby type his sermons - and grab something from the drive thru or eat leftovers for lunch. I leave at 2:45 for my anatomy and physiology class, then head back to the church to do a couple of more things to get ready for that night. After church, we head home for a quick dinner, then everyone is rushed off to bed - tomorrow will be a hectic day.


My earliest and longest day…up at 5:00 a.m. to get ready for work. I have to open at 7:00 a.m. so I need to be there by 6:45. I leave the house at 6:25 and work until 1:00 p.m., when I leave for my sociology class. After class, I go back to work until 7:00 p.m., close up, go home, and crash on the couch - I'll study over the weekend.


My earliest class of the week is my 8:00 a.m. anatomy and physiology lab today. After class, it's off to work. On my lunch break, I head to the local library with my laptop to do online sociology assignments and to work on my blog and unwind a little. I head back to work from 4:00 until 6:30, then it's home for the weekend! After cooking dinner and putting the kids in bed, I study until I crash into bed at 11:30 or 12:00.


Saturday used to be my sleep in day, but not since tee ball season started! I get up at 6:00 a.m. and get ready before I get my husband up at 7:00 and the kids at 7:30. We have to be at the ball field at 8:30 for a 9:00 game. We have a blast - it's so fun watching these four and five year olds play ball! After the game it's on to the church to spend the day getting ready for Sunday. We usually eat at one of our favorite restaurants for lunch - it's become a Saturday tradition! I also spend some time blogging and Facebooking while Robby gets his thoughts together. We usually get home late, eat dinner, and everyone heads to bed…except me. I stay up studying.


Up at 6:00 a.m. to iron clothes and get everyone ready for church. I get to the church a little early, at 9:00 a.m., to put the finishing touches on my Kids BLAST lesson. I update my blog and check my Facebook page before I head over to our Family Life Center to teach children's church.

After church we go home for lunch. The kids play after lunch while I do laundry and plan my menu and shopping list for the week, and if I'm lucky (which is rare) I'll take a short nap. We head back to the church around 4:30 p.m., where I check for online sociology assignments while Robby studies his sermon for that night. On the first Sunday of each month, we have a leadership meeting at 5:00 p.m. to plan out the next two months worth of activities at church. After the evening service, we head home to get ready for the next day. After dinner, I get the kids in bed, make sure everyone's clothes are ready for the next day, and study before I head to bed at 11:00 p.m.


Jennifer said... do have a very full life. It's always interesting to get a sneak peak into someone else's full life. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Wow, you are one busy, busy lady. I commend you on being so organied. Share with me how you stay so organized. I could use the help. lol.
And you are so lucky to have a job where you can manage your college courses around it.

i'm no miss said...

Way to go organized mama!

Found you through Blogher :)

Amy said...

Oh my goodness, I can TOTALLY relate! I'm not a Pastor's wife, but I am back in school for my Master's. I only have one kid of my own, but I watch two other during the day and classes at night (twice a week) and I cannot keep myself together. The groceries-- forget it. Hopefully the hubby will be able to do it! :) Laundry- it sits in piles for days (weeks!) until I get a break. It's embarrassing. Do you give lessons???? :)

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