Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What I planned to say...

I had a great post planned for Monday...I planned to rework Manic Mommy Monday into my new idea, complete with a new button - Survival Tips for Working Moms.  I had an awesome post on balancing our many roles as a mom almost ready to go.

So what happened?  Life happened.  The post didn't get finished.  Instead, I lived the post.  We celebrated my husband's birthday this weekend.  We had our church's Fall Festival, which I always head up. I hung out with my family.  None of my blog plans worked out.

Priorities shifted this weekend.  That's often the case with moms, especially working moms.  It's all about balancing jobs and responsibilities, shifting priorities to take care of whichever role needs you the most at the moment, whether its family, home, mom, wife, or work. 

Last week, it was family and church activities - blogging got put on the back burner.  This week, college gets moved to the top as I get ready for a major test, and blogging gets moved up again.  It's an ever changing map of the things that matter most to me.  To others, it may not make sense.  But to me, in spite of the craziness, its a pretty amazing picture.


Jennifer said...

I have learned that it's not about's about balance-in-the-moment or balance-in-the-week. Every day and week has it's own dynamic and requires it's own balance. :)

Losing Brownies said...

Life is awlays getting in the way of my blogging :o)

Best of luck on your tests!

Amanda said...

Jennifer, that is so true! Balance looks different for me every day.

Ali@LastSplash said...

My post yesterday was about the same thing!

And I went home and enjoyed the nighttime routine instead of stressing.

Anonymous said...

Funny how we always hear and talk about "balance!" It's the juggling act trying not to let something fall.... I know what you mean about blogging! It's on top, then down, up again and then down. If we only had more time. Hmmm, we'd probably want even more time!

R. Molder said...

Usually sleep gets in the way of my blogging :)

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