Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Setting My Goals - 3 in 30

I just stumbled across the 3 in 30 challenge (via Twitter) at The Tuckers Take Tennessee.  I love this idea!  I have lots of goals for 2011, which I blogged about last month, and it can get overwhelming sometimes.  I think that breaking them down into 3 smaller goals each month will help me get them done.  So here are my 3 for February:

1. Follow my daily FlyLady routines!
This is a habit that I've been kinda-sorta doing...some days it gets done, other days it doesn't.  I want to make it a daily habit, because I know it will go a long way towards keeping us all more organized.  I'm also trying to get my kids into the habit - they each have a folder now with their daily jobs and homeschool assignments.

2. Get to bed on time every night.
I am by nature a night owl, but after a long day at work, I'm too exhausted to get anything done at night.  I started consistently getting up early a while back, and now I've started the Hello Mornings challenge at Inspired to Action, so I'm getting up even earlier.  The problem is I also like to stay up late...late nights and early mornings do not a happy mommy make.  So I've got to get myself to be at 10:30, 11:00 at the latest, each night.  Maybe then I won't require a venti Starbucks skinny carmel machiatto to get me going...

3. Have a family devotional time each night with my boys.
This is a habit I was really good at for a while, but during a very difficult college semester (this past fall) I let it slide too much.  Now we're totally out of the habit.  I'm doing great with my daily quiet time - now it's time for the kids to see that example lived out.  So every night, I plan to read our Keys for Kids devotional, pray with my boys, and spend a little time talking about what God has done that day.


Audra Marie said...

I just found the challenge, too, and thought I'd give it a go. Here's to accomplishing all three in February. :)

Audra Marie said...

Forgot to add that I'm also doing the Maximize Your Mornings challenge. :)

Jenny said...

February is also going to be my get it done month. I teach high school and January is a new semester. After many years of trying to start a new semester, wind down from Christmas, and start New Years resolutions. I am now waiting until February. So far, so good.

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