Monday, January 31, 2011

Hello Mornings!

Have you ever noticed how much more you can accomplish in a day when you get up early?  I've been making an effort in the past few weeks to get up at the same time every day, and to get up early.  I started the habit when I was in college this past year and needed that early time to squeeze in some studying before I headed to classes and work.  When I finished finals, I started my semester off from school and starting getting up at different times.  I felt awful, so I went back to my old habits.

This past week, I read about the Hello Mornings challenge over at Inspired to Action.  You can click the button below to find out more...

I'm very excited about this challenge!  I think it's going to solidify my commitment to being an early riser, and help me carve out a little more time for exercise, which I haven't been able to add to my morning routine yet.  (I work out three times a week at the gym where I work, but I want to add more cardio at be more specific, more Zumba!)  I love the fact that I'll have accountability partners (via Twitter) to check in with each morning.

My plan is to get up at 5:45 a.m. (eventually 5:30 a.m.), which means that I'll need to be in bed by 10:30 every night.  That's going to be hard for me...I'm a night owl!  I'm also going to gather up what I need each night - Bible and notebook, Scripture commitment book, iPod, etc.  I'll find out who accountability partners are soon.  Finally, I've already picked my songs for my morning worship music: Speak to Me, Lord by Rebecca St. James, Beautiful, Beautiful by Franchesca Batestelli, and Alabaster Box by C.C. Winnans, along with a couple of awesome songs from a church that is part of a ministry in Haiti that we support.

I'm looking forward to what's going to happen in the coming weeks.  Anyone ready to join in with me?


Stepping On Cheerios said...

It sounds so good...until the alarm goes off.

I just can't get up any earlier. I sleep until the kids wake up, usually around 6:30. If I got up and attempted to do anything they would just hear me and get up early too.

You are so right though, the earlier is better as far as getting things done! I wish you the best of luck!!!

Amanda said...

I had the same problem when my kids were small. As they got older, it got I practically have to drag them out of bed! Lol. I've been where you are, and I totally understand!

R. Molder said...

I would love to join you! I've been getting up at 7 and not feeling a bit better about sleeping in and missing a workout and devotions. Desperate to change but flesh is weak!

Anonymous said...

I love this challenge! Over the past month, my husband has been super sweet & letting me sleep in on most mornings. He has been getting the kids up & ready for school as well as dropping our daughter off. I've been spoiled for sure! But on Sunday he headed back to the States for something with his work. So I am now back to getting up with the kids. Today was great! I accomplished so much! I need to get back into the routine. My goal is to get up at 6am during the week & by 7-8am on the weekends. We'll see what happens!

Jennifer said...

I love mornings! I'm the only early riser in the house, so I get up early to work out, check email and I can usually get out the door to work before the whole house is awake. (My oldest is eating breakfast when I leave...but everyone else is still sleeping :)

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