Today’s topic is “6 things you love to eat, but rarely get to because at least one other person in your household does not care for it.” You can answer this with a list of 6 words, 6 phrases, 6 sentences, 6 paragraphs, 6 photos, 6 videos, etc . . .
Okay, I'm going with six sentences...and this one doesn't count!
- This is a hard one for me, because I'm the picky eater in our family.
- As a former vegetarian, I love certain foods that my hubby and kids won't even try.
- I love Boca burgers.
- I also love Morningstar Farms breakfast strips.
- I recently discovered hummus - roasted red pepper is my favorite!
- Finally, one that is definately NOT from my vegetarian days - I love meatloaf but my husband hates it.
Hmm what are boca burgers? I love hummus too but the family does not. Heres mine Heres mine
Hmm what are boca burgers? I love hummus too but the family does not. Heres mine Heres mine
My hubby hates casseroles, but for some reason loves my meatloaf.
God bless,
author of The Princess and the Pee
Hmm... my hubby's definitely not the vegetarian type either. I think he would try to convince me that he was allergic if he thought I would buy it. lol
I'm getting ready to purchase Boca Burgers this week (my first time) so I'm looking forward to it. Great list have a nice weekend.
I love hummus but I've never heard of making it with roasted red pepper. I'll have to look that up.
Stopping by from SITS. Welcome!
Cheers :-)
- CoconutPalmDesigns
Interesting topic! My husband isn't a big fan of salads, or cold food generally (unless it's sweet!). Whereas I like something cool and light in the summer.
Visiting from SITS to welcome you to our community :)
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